Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm shit at this..

I always try to start these and I never am successful with keeping up on them. Ha, I wonder how many times I've written that? The lack of enthusiasm could be attributed to my idea that I'm uninteresting, unfunny, and generally not worth the time, but of course in the end here I am sucking it up. I'm gonna do it anyway.

Yeah, I know it's not a very bright idea to start up yet another blog when I pay no attention to any of my other ones, but we'll see how this goes.

I'm already feeling anxiety over it. What am I thinking? Whose bright idea was this again? Oh no...

In all seriousness, I love reading other people's blogs and reading stories posted by others online. I obviously don't think blogging is at all dumb, I just think that me blogging is dumb. What am I going to talk to you about? The hours I spend daydreaming about useless, mindless things? Listen to me talking to 'you'. Who are 'you' anyway? No one's reading this, I'm just deluding myself into thinking I'm somehow important to the internet.

I'll post something more poignant later, maybe even an introduction! Wait, best not get ahead of myself. Don't wanna get too crazy.

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