Sunday, March 13, 2011

Finals Week- A Discussion on Peer Edits

During my final two essays of my English class; one on Britney Spears and the other on APA involvement in Guantanamo torture tactics, I found myself surprised. Everything seemed to flow easily, like something had finally clicked in my mind. Something that I’d been waiting for. My capacity for descriptive detail had melded with my ability to use information toward an overall point. In my mind I’d arrived at my goal! I was amazing, unstoppable! Then, it was time for peer editing.

This is my greatest flaw in writing and I will admit it; I both love and despise the whole peer editing process. Say you’re writing a paper on a topic that you’ve studied, and thus you know what you’re talking about. You don’t feel it necessary to describe certain things because sometimes you forget not everyone studied the same topic as you did. When reading a rough draft through, a person knows what they had on their mind, and thus are thoroughly impressed by their ability to “get into the head of your reader” and have them use their own knowledge to draw conclusions. This is not always the case for the peer editing your paper. They don’t always agree with you, or share the basic knowledge on your specific subject (more often than not you pick a subject you already have background in, because it’s simpler.) In the end of a peer edit session, I get mad at their edits and think that they have no idea what they’re talking about. Why am I under that impression? I read their paper, and needed to look at it objectively and find all the problems with it. To quote myself on one of my edits, “Less commas, more insight into what you’re talking about.”

You see; some people, with me included, get mean when they edit papers. Then, they expect that because they saw so many errors in the other person’s assignment the other editor will have nothing but great things to say! This is just a delusion that sets my up for horrible heartbreak. This is the way of the peer edit process. It makes enemies out of fellow students and it’s awful, but necessary to get all your kinks out. This is what needs the most work after this class. I need to be able to receive critique without either taking it personally, or getting angry and deciding that my editor was just full of it.

Friday, March 4, 2011


.. not penniless! Due to the unjustness of my firing circumstances I was not only able to file for unemployment, but I actually received it! I'm going to make it out alright with this, and I'm very happy to say that I don't have to pinch pennies all that hard anymore!

That said, I'm still a tad wary of spending money. I'm gonna keep up the job search and seek my opportunities out for the sake of finding a good job that I like. I like having this spare time, but I obviously can't do this forever.

As far as having extra money and more leniency is concerned, the Digos are looking particularly enticing, as well as more portspaces and the like for Furcadia. Another thing I'm going to be looking into is more games; Minecraft, Pokemon White, Sonic Colors, and maybe even a Nintendo 3DS! Not having to constantly buy lunch at work and pay for gas also frees up funds. Mom said that me losing that job was a blessing in disguise.

I can already see it; I'm healthier, my dark circles are going away, and I'm much less stressed!

Pretty short post for today, sorry about that.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Nope, skipping the introduction today too! It's for another time. Onto the real post!

I love Furcadia!

There, I said it, and I'm not in the least bit ashamed of myself. Do you want to know why? 

I've been a Furcadia user (mostly regular, but sometimes intermittent), for about 10 of its 12 years in business. I recently came back in January to discover new changes; Nagas, Humans, all sorts of nobles, ferians, and most importantly; the ability to afford digos! Well; I could in January before I lost my job, but that's beside the point.

Furcadia's options have now opened wider, and stretch much farther than ever before. I am endlessly impressed by Talzhemir's ability and willingness to keep coming up the fresh ideas that evolve and change the world of Furcadia into something more and more people can enjoy for tons of different reasons. I think it's time to get truly re-invested, with a whole new slew of characters I've previously created. Ones who are much more developed and mature than ones who came before, and indeed very lovable. I hope my closest friends are as excited about this prospect as I am, and can get as interested as I've always been.

I guess I've always sung the praises of Furcadia, but why shouldn't I? I love it so and cannot possibly get enough when I'm playing it, when given so many options. There's some sort of magic to it that I can't really pinpoint, and I've met so many friends and acquaintances, as well as made great memories.. why stop? I've heard people dissing on it lately, complaining that so many people spend their time in AFK or Idle mode, but so what? They did that in the first place, people have lives outside Furcadia too! But now there's an actual mode where the characters turn monochromatic and have a symbol above their heads that tells you they're not about. It's great! It means you don't waste your time trying to role-play with a wall.

To sum up I'm likely going to spend a lot more time Dream Hopping and trying to get friends involved with the game that really kickstarted Rp for me. Those who Rp with me now might not realize that my polished roots came from a silly game inhabited by furries and mythical beasts, and I'm sorry if this somehow taints anything for you.

I guess I really only Rp with one person that much anyway these days, so the risk of tainting myself is hopefully very low.

Kuruskt's Furc Status

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm shit at this..

I always try to start these and I never am successful with keeping up on them. Ha, I wonder how many times I've written that? The lack of enthusiasm could be attributed to my idea that I'm uninteresting, unfunny, and generally not worth the time, but of course in the end here I am sucking it up. I'm gonna do it anyway.

Yeah, I know it's not a very bright idea to start up yet another blog when I pay no attention to any of my other ones, but we'll see how this goes.

I'm already feeling anxiety over it. What am I thinking? Whose bright idea was this again? Oh no...

In all seriousness, I love reading other people's blogs and reading stories posted by others online. I obviously don't think blogging is at all dumb, I just think that me blogging is dumb. What am I going to talk to you about? The hours I spend daydreaming about useless, mindless things? Listen to me talking to 'you'. Who are 'you' anyway? No one's reading this, I'm just deluding myself into thinking I'm somehow important to the internet.

I'll post something more poignant later, maybe even an introduction! Wait, best not get ahead of myself. Don't wanna get too crazy.